Thursday, July 28, 2011

Beatles and Tea aka Beatlejuice!

Our stay in London is quickly winding down (tomorrow is our last day), so today was all about getting those quintesentially British things off our to-do list. 

First on the list was getting to Abbey Road where the Beatles recorded their Abbey Road album.  It was a quick trip.  We just wanted to see the recording studio and take a picture at the crosswalk from the album cover.  Or as the British call it, the crossover.  Crazy Brits!  The picture was a success...sort of.  It's not perfectly posed because we had to rush due to all the traffic.  However, it is THE crosswalk, and there's four of us in it so that's pretty good.  Daryl took it on his camera, so I don't have one for the blog yet. 

The second big one that I didn't want to leave London without doing was afternoon tea at Harrod's.  We had a reservation at 3:00 at the Georgian Dining Room.  The tea service was awesome!  There were tons of teas to choose from and I loved the little tea sandwiches, scones and pastries.  I finally tried clotted cream with our tea.  It sounds disgusting and I didn't think I'd like it but it was actually quite tasty.  It sort of tastes like sweet butter.  They really need to do something about the name, who wants to eat anything "clotted"?

That was pretty much the extent of our super British day. It was a great day and I'm sad I waited so long to have the real afternoon tea experience.  But it's probably better because it's an expensive habit to get into.  Tomorrow is our last day in London, so we'll be doing some last minute souvenir/gift shopping and packing.  Then it's off to the Basque Country!

The note we left in front of the Abbey Road Recording Studio

Amaya left a note too!

The famous crosswalk

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